Friday 9 September 2011


So I think I'll give it a go and type in a piece of fiction.It's analysed as like James Joyce. Wow,I admire Joyce, although I still have't finished Ulysees,and have no intention of reading Finnegan's Wake,but I love Portrait of the Artist and Dubliners.

Then I type in a poem, and again it's analsed as James Joyce style. I'm feeling really smug.Then I think perhaps it's fixed so I type in my shopping list and that is not in James Joyce style! This has me thinking about my voice and my style-the aim of every writer is to have their own style, their own voice, so I need to keep writing until I've found it.

Monday 5 September 2011

After 3 months not blogging I'm back-thank you Rachel America for telling me you'd read my blog. I thought only two of my friends read this! I wish more people would follow me if they read it, as it seemed crazy writing it for two friends I see weekly and talk about the events I blog about.

A writing course in North Wales and I'm inspired again! But back to the kick and hurt of reality,and a car that worked well last week tells me with its computer tickertape that it has "engine failure" and a red light comes on.Back to the garage again.

Still last week was brilliant. Time to relax and write,talk poetry,read poetry,swim in the sea and eat fantastic flavoured ice cream.