What is a group of writers called? A flock,a congregation, a colony a culture, a shrewdness,a murder? Here we all are promoting our books,gathering information,talking writing, meeting old friends, making new ones. It is cogenial especially when you realise how many published writers are actively involved in writing groups in west Wales.
So home with a clatter of books I'm eager to read,but I'm too tired.I arrive home to a different reality,a reality where writing isn't centre stage,and what a group of writers is called is irrelevant.
maybe a group of writers should be called 'a metaphor'or 'a narrative.' i was going to suggest 'a colon' but that could be construed as something else entirely!
ReplyDeleteI too had a lovely day at Ceridwen and met some lovely new people.
Coming in late here, but I really enjoyed the day too. It is so good to mix with like minded people.